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Questões de Inglês - ENEM PPL | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(ENEM PPL - 2023) Por meio de recursos verbais e no verbais, esse cartaz de campanha objetiva

Questão 2

(ENEM PPL - 2023) We wont ruin Mars. Its too big and too good. said the captain. You think not? We Earth Men have a talent for ruining big, beautiful things. The only reason we didnt set up hot-dog stands in the midst of the Egyptian temple of Karnak is because it was out of the way and served no large commercial purpose. And Egypt is a small part of Earth. But here, this whole thing is ancient and different, and we have to set down somewhere and start fouling it up. Well call the canal the Rockefeller Canal and the mountain King George Mountain and the sea the Dupont Sea, and therell be Roosevelt and Lincoln and Coolidge cities, and it wont ever be right, when there are the proper names for these places. BRADBURY, R. And the Moon Be Still as Bright. In: The Martian Chronicles. Londres: Harper Collins, 2014. Nesse fragmento de um conto do autor Ray Bradbury, o personagem revela ao capito

Questão 3

(ENEM PPL - 2023) Our physical alienation from India almost inevitably means that we will not be capable of reclaiming precisely the thing that was lost; that we will, in short, create fictions, not actual cities or villages, but invisible ones, imaginary homelands, Indias of the mind. [] It may be argued that the past is a country from which we have all emigrated [], but I suggest that the writer who is out-of-country and even out-of-language may experience this loss in an intensified form. RUSHDIE, S. Imaginary Homelands. Londres: Vintage Books, 2010 (adaptado). Nesse fragmento de texto, ao abordar a literatura anglo-indiana, o autor Salman Rushdie ressalta a relao entre criao literria e

Questão 4

(ENEM PPL - 2023) we gave birth to a new generation, AmeRcan, broader than lost gold never touched, hidden inside the puerto rican mountains. we gave birth to a new generation AmeRcan, it includes everything imaginable you-name-it-we-got-it society. we gave birth to a new generation, AmeRcan salutes all folklores, european, indian, black, spanish and anything else compatible. AmeRcan, yes, for now, for i love this, my second land, and i dream to take the accent from the altercation, and be proud to call myself american, in the u.s. sense of the word, AmeRcan, America! LAVIERA, T. Benedicin: The Complete Poetry of Tato Laviera. Houston: Arte Pblico Press, 2014 (fragmento). Nos versos desse poema, o eu lrico adota um tom de

Questão 5

(ENEM PPL - 2023) Ao utilizar a expresso be a shame if something were to happen to it, o pssaro

Questão 1

(ENEM PPL - 2022) Esse infogrfico, composto de textos verbais e no verbais, tem por finalidade

Questão 2

(ENEM PPL - 2022) How little we know of what there is to know. I wish that I were going to live a long time instead of going to die today because I have learned much about life in these four days; more, I think than in all other time. Id like to be an old man to really know. I wonder if you keep on learning or if there is only a certain amount each man can understand. I thought I knew so many things that I know nothing of. I wish there was more time. HEMINGWAY, E. For Whom the Bells Toll. Madison, Wisconsin: Demco Media, 1995. Nessa passagem de um clssico de Ernest Hemingway, o narrador

Questão 3

(ENEM PPL - 2022) We walked on, the stranger walking with us. Taylor Franklin Bankole. Our last names an instant bond between us. Were both descended from men who assumed African surnames back during the 1960s. His father and my grandfather had had their names legally changed, and both had chosen Yoruba replacement names. Most people chose Swahili names in the 60s, Bankole told me. He wanted to be called Bankole. My father had to do something different. All his life he had to be different. I dont know my grandfathers reasons, I said. His last name was Broome before he changed it, and that was no loss. But why he chose Olamina? Even my father didnt know. He made the change before my father was born, so my father was always Olamina, and so were we. BUTLER, O. E. Parable of the Sower. New York: Hachette, 2019 (adaptado). Nesse trecho do romance Parable of the Sower, os nomes Bankole e Olamina representam o(a)

Questão 4

(ENEM PPL - 2022) Os recursos verbais e no verbais do cartum fazem referncia a situaes comuns em aeroportos, motivadas pelo fato de que os(as)

Questão 5

(ENEM PPL - 2022) Letter to the Editor Michael Gersons Oct. 19 Tuesday Opinion column, The state laboratory of idiocracy strikes again did not highlight the disservice done to the Black community or any other minority group affected by White history. I wonder about how this will manipulate the perceptions of minorities in the eyes of students. The misguided stereotypes and assumptions perpetuated by these curriculum restrictions will likely prevent Black Americans from expressing themselves safely. Its plausible to assume that continued miseducation over generations could create a sense of false comfort for Black Americans. Without proper access to history, minorities might begin to forget the oppression they have faced and the injustices they are currently dealing with. Lacking this vital historical education only serves to continue the longstanding issue of misinformation in modern generations. The problems are only the start of the issues that could begin to plague the American education system. Riley Kilcarr, Springfield. Disponvel em: www.washingtonpost.com. Acesso em: 29 out. 2021. O autor dessa carta se reporta ao editor de um jornal para

Questão 1

(ENEM PPL - 2021) What is it about Serena that inspires such vitriol? Is it that she dominates in a sport that was once considered to be for the upper crust at country clubs? One would think that Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe had put that idea to rest decades ago. Is it that she is considered too aggressive on the court? John McEnroe and Boris Becker seem to take the prize for that. Is it because she wins too much? To hate someone merely because he or she is great only speaks to ones own insecurity. To attempt to and fault with someone because you cannot figure out how or why they win so often only shows that you have already lost. Or is it that she is unapologetically black? A #CarefreeBlackGirl who sapeaks her mind, supports her people, and whose only real opponent is herself. Disponvel em: https://theundefeated.com Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018. O texto, que discorre sobre Serena Williams, uma das mais bem- sucedidas atletas do tnis, tem o objetivo de

Questão 2

(ENEM PPL - 2021) Tendo em vista a abrangncia do ingls no contexto global, a falha na comunicao evidenciada nesse dilogo gerada pelo fato de que os interlocutores

Questão 3

(ENEM PPL - 2021) A Guide to HarvardA Cappella! A cappellais such a big deal on all college campuses these days, I thought Id write a post about what Harvard has to offer (spoiler alert: many incredibly talented groups)! There are so many groups that we havea cappellajams fairly often, and its always a good time to go hear the other groups perform. Some of my favorite memories are hanging out with mya cappellagroup members both on campus and around the country (and soon the world during our summer tour!). The Harvarda cappellacommunity is absurdly diverse and talented I think every Harvard student should take advantage of all we have on campus and go see a show! Disponvel em: https://college.harvard.edu. Acesso em: 11 dez. 2017 (adaptado). A expressoa cappellacaracteriza o ato de cantar sem o acompanhamento de instrumentos musicais. A expresso big deal, usada com relao a esse tema, indica que

Questão 4

(ENEM PPL - 2021) Anyway You can spend your whole life building Something from nothin One storm can come and blow it all away Build it anyway You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach And you know it might not ever come your way Dream it anyway [] This worlds gone crazy and its hard to believe That tomorrow will be better than today Believe it anyway You can love someone with all your heart For all the right reasons In a moment they can choose to walk away Love em anyway McBRIDE, M. Disponvel em: www.elyrics.net. Acesso em: 8 fev. 2013 (fragmento). Com base na palavra anyway, que ttulo da cano, entende-se que o fragmento

Questão 5

(ENEM PPL - 2021) How On-line Gamers are Solving Sciences Biggest Problems On paper, gamers and scientists make a bizarre union. But in reality, their two worlds arent leagues apart: both involve solving problems within a given set of rules. Genetic analysis, for instance, is about finding sequences and patterns among seemingly random clusters of data. Frame the analysis as a pattern-spotting game that looks like Candy Crush, and, while aligning patterns and scoring points, players can also be hunting for mutations that cause cancer, Alzheimers disease or diabetes. Our brains are geared up to recognise patterns, says Erinma Ochu, a neuroscientist at the University of Manchester, explaining why scientists are turning to gamers for help, and we do it better than computers. This is a new way of working for scientists, but as long as they learn how to trust game developers to do what they do best make great games then they can have thousands of people from all around the world working on their data. Disponvel em: www.theguardian.com. Acesso em: 8 fev. 2014 (adaptado). De acordo com a reportagem publicada no jornal The Guardian, os adeptos de jogos eletrnicos podem ajudar os cientistas por terem

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